Women’s health affects
the wellness of the entire family

Healthcare center for women's body

I should be healthy to make my family happy

I should be healthy to make my family happy

Women’s health translates into family health. Healthy teens continue into healthy 20’s, and directly to healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Proper health care and gynecologist treatments allow the woman to enter menopause without fear.
Yeon & Nature will be the most trusted name in Women’s Health.

Menopausal Female Health Care

Women continue their busy lives into their forties with their families, at home and at work. When women start to become free of such responsibilities starting from their fifties, health concerns arise. With menopause, female hormones decline where cholesterol levels rise. Menopause may be accompanied by mental stress caused by depression of loss of femininity.

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Yeon & Nature [Senior Examination] Details


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