Do's and Don'ts

We demonstrate our six years of dedication with
"Birth House" and "Kangaroo House"

Birthing center, Your birth, your way!!

Birthing center, Your birth, your way!!

The House of Birth originated from the Azuka hospital in Japan, from ‘the amazing moment of baby birth.’ Delivery at the Azuka hospital is strictly personalized, with five maternity nurses and one doctor assigned to every single mother’s delivery schedule, just like a family. Childbirth at the Azuka hospital is slow, safe and comfortable.

Childbirth is life and culture more than it is medical service. Hospital childbirth has started due to environmental changes since the industrial revolution, and the core of childbirth culture shifted from family-centered to hospital-administered. The role of the doctor has become more important, while the husband and wife have continued to be pushed aside from the center of the childbirth scene by medical staff. Repeated medical accidents and medical lawsuits created a deep chasm between medical staff and patients, in between which trust has been lost.

It is now time to escape such trap of distrust, the past hospital and medical staff-centered childbirth altogether. Just as the Azuka hospital of Japan, childbirth culture altogether needs to move towards a more human-centered and family-centered process that is personalized like European obstetrics and gynecologist hospitals.

Consideration for the mother

Consideration for the mother


Birth House

Giving birth is the special moment that can't be repeated.
Therefore, Yeon & Nature's maternity nurses are here 24 hours being prepared for mothers.


Yeon & Nature Birth House

Yeon & Nature Birth House

Special in Yeon & Nature

Special in Yeon & Nature

We provide home like enviornment to be more comfortable.

We provide home like enviornment to be more comfortable.

We provide necessary medical treatments immediately.

We provide necessary medical treatments immediately.

We are here to support all mothers with their birth.

We are here to support all mothers with their birth.

Every \

Every "Birth House" has its own soft bathtubs for mothers to be able to give water birth.

Yeon & Nature lounge

Yeon & Nature lounge
